Sunday, September 8, 2024

Visitors at Communion: History, The Scriptures, the Confessions, the Forms, and Church Order (powerpoint)

 Visitors at Communion: History, The Scriptures, the Confessions, the Forms, and Church Order

 On this blog, you can find two brief exegesis papers that I wrote on Galatians 2 (2019) and 1 Corinthians 11 (2021) explaining the significance of these chapters with respect to welcoming guests at the communion table.  More recently (2022), the Fellowship Elders were called on to explain our practice to a neighbouring church. I prepared an extensive PowerPoint presentation describing how we got to our position. I explain the history behind our changes, then the Biblical data, the confessional background, the instruction in the forms, and the church polity behind our decisions,

Here is a link to a presentation on Practicing Hospitality at the Lord's Table. (Please note that you will leave this page.)

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