Friday, May 30, 2008

Planet of the Apes

The National Post is reporting that the Students' Union of a prominent university is banning funding and equal access to services for Pro-Life student clubs. The Students' Union wants to ban debate on the personhood of the unborn off-spring of human parents. This is not remarkable, but predictable, in today's chilling academic climate against free speech and the "liberal" movement to deny opposing views on "boutique" topics. This attempt to stomp out the rising voice and cry of the unborn also has spilled out into the economic world. The National Post also reported that Advertising Standards Canada has rejected a pro-life ad as "going to far" in the anti-abortion discussion. This too is not remarkable.

What is remarkable is this: This attempt, in the academic and economic world, to squelch free speech concerning the personhood of the unborn is coincidental with the attempt to declare a chimpanzee to be a person. This application in the European courts is being taken seriously!

The unborn are not persons: Apes are! What planet am I on? This must be the Planet of the Apes! Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just told my son (age 4.5) about the attempt to declare a chimp a human. He shook his head and said, "A chimpanzee is a sort of type of monkey." Just goes to show that kids get it!
Evelyn N.